Thursday, September 15, 2016

Benefits of a Prototype

Better quality system deliveredSometimes a developer may not fully understand what the end user is expecting. Prototyping enables any misunderstandings to be identified and sorted out early on in the process.
Identify problems early onA working system is available early on in the process. The user can identify possible improvements which can be made before the system is completed.
End user involvementThe end user feels more involved in the development of the system and will 'buy' into it.
Fulfil user requirementsA system which has been through prototyping will generally have an improved design quality and will be far closer to what the user needs.
Cost savingsIt is far less expensive to rectify problems with the system in the early stages of development than towards the end of the project.
TrainingThe prototype can eventually be used to help train staff while the real system is still being fully developed

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